
This website reflects my own personal views and not that of the U.S. Government nor, more specifically, the Peace Corps.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sourng (pronounced: Soouhn(g))

So, I had the afternoon off, so I thought it'd be a good idea to bike to the next closest ...city? Yeah, it's a city compared to where I've been living. It took me about 22 min to bike here, so let's hope that I rode 30k, 4? 7? I don't know. Anyhow, I found this little internet cafe. And by internet cafe, I mean a little shack with a computer and a fan for .75/hour. Good deal, I think.


I bought an internet phone off of one of the K3s headed home, so I will be able to get on the internet probably once or twice a week, so if you want to Skype, just let me know.

My tickets are purchased for the US, so I'll be home the afternoon of the 16th - early morning, the 20th. December, that is.

Anyhow, my time is almost up on here.

Talk to you soon... I swear in two weeks from tomorrow. Crazy.


1 comment:

  1. Not to be the grammar police, but for that last line, instead of reading "I swear in, two weeks from tomorrow," I read "I swear, in two weeks from tomorrow." Ha! Glad you have that on your schedule: September 23: Say #$@^!
