
This website reflects my own personal views and not that of the U.S. Government nor, more specifically, the Peace Corps.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

News of the World

So, you really don't have much to do on a lazy Sunday when it's constantly raining. So, I cashed in and went for another day's worth of internet usage. So here are some important things happening around the world:

-G20 Summit in Seoul

-Several cases of miners dying or being trapped in China, Ecuador, and Chile.

-The 'energetic' Iranian president's trip to Lebanon and his 'impassioned' choice of words against Israel.

-al Queda being pesky and needing vasts amount of unnecessary attention

-Hundreds of thousands of classified documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan leaked online

-Serbia continuing not to recognize the independance of Kosovo. Oh, the Balkans. Such strides for freedom, yet many countries stubborn and unwilling. I should know. I'm part Turkish.

Well, that's about it. Hope things are going better in your life than the mining conditions around the world. I hope these events mark some sort of change in standards of working conditions.

Seriously...69 days of living that far underground? Some serious human strength, courage, and endurance.

Talk to you later,


  1. Hey Garrett! Hope your house hasn't floated away... :)
    I just got back from Turkey and Israel actually. It's certainly interesting over there; it's very easy to see the effects that war has on their economies, cultures, and national identities. Both BEAUTIFUL though. I'm not surprised to hear you're part Turkish; you look it! Which is good, because the Turkish are very attractive people, haha!

    Have a good week!

  2. Sara, I will take that comment any day! I'm a little jealous on the traveling. I'd like to go to both places someday. One can really only imagine and form opinions about a subject from which they are physically separated from. Truly being there can be the only real way to assess a situation, I think...being an outside observer of course.
