
This website reflects my own personal views and not that of the U.S. Government nor, more specifically, the Peace Corps.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Things I Would Be Embarassed to Like in the United States, but Somehow, Now, Get Giddy About When I'm in Cambodia

1. Justin Beiber (sp?) - yeah, I know... but when "Baby" comes on MyTV or at a dance club, I just feel no inhibition to just blurt out the lyrics at the top of my lungs.

Okay, maybe that's the one thing, but there are so many things that just go underappreciated in the world.

1. Good Nail-Clippers
2. Quality soap without bleach-like whitening chemicals
3. Conditioner
4. Micro-fiber eyeglasses cloth
5. Mattresses
6. Food other than rice
7. Shaving cream
8. Driving...
9. Hugs/Friends
10. Unlimited texts/calling plans


11. amoebic-dysentary-free ice

Yup, so this is just a small list of things that you never really appreciate until you don't have access to the good sh...good stuff.


12. Good Loufas


  1. I don't care who the artist is anymore, if the words are in English and I've heard it before, you bet your bottom I'm singing along!

  2. The thought of you belting the lyrics to any song and dancing around just makes me smile! Hope you're still having a fabulous time!
