
This website reflects my own personal views and not that of the U.S. Government nor, more specifically, the Peace Corps.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So, I'm sitting on my bed, charging my iPod, listening to iTunes and am connected to the internet. How? Because I have power once again to my computer. I can't explain how happy I am to have the ability to chat on Skype for more than an hour and fifteen once every week or two. Awesome! Thanks fam. It is well appreciated. Now, I just need to look for a surge protector...

So, what's new. Well, my town definitely flooded. I had to walk calf deep in water to get water to fill my filter and watched families walk waist deep to get to their homes. Did I say this already? I don't really remember and am too lazy to go back and check. Anyhow, after about a week and a half, I can take a shower and not immediately dirty myself with gross stagnant rain/dirt/fish water. I had fish swimming in the back of my house...

Things at the health center are going well. There seems to only have been one case of Malaria and no cases of Dengue over the last year, so, it appears doing a guppy farm and mosquito-prevention workshops close to my house are out of the question. 20k bike rides, here I come. Basically, how this works, is I have to order giant jars for water, and travel 80k to a buddy's site to get 20 fish in a bag...odd, right? Then, I put them in a few ginormous jars of water and wait for them to get at it. Within weeks? months? I'll have hundreds of little mosquito-eating fish. This is just an idea, but it's one method of killing off mosquitos that like to breed in the stagnant water in peoples' homes in Cambodia, and other mosquito infested countries for that matter.

Okay, my fingers are tired... perhaps another blog soon. Hopefully I can load some photos of my previously flooded home soon.

Talk to you later,

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I like your colorful descriptions of mosquito-eating guppies :) Yay power!

    My dad always says the best place to be in a flood is a chowder house; why? Because of all the floaty crackers ;)
